Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hey guys,

   The server is looking great! So much has been built within our first two weeks, and we haven't even advertised. We will begin advertising within the month -- I just need to get our anti-cheat plugin configured correctly. I'm using NoCheatPlus, and if anyone has a working config that doesn't throw too many false alarms, it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I'll just have to configure and test it manually.
   I've added a few new commands to players, at the request of Pokenate1096. Nothing big, but some of you may find them helpful:


I've also added the ability of players to see regions using the WorldGuard wand. To do so, simply pull out a wooden hoe, and right-click a surface. This will display the region, and whether or not you are an owner (and thus, can build there).
   Another small change is the chainmail armor for veterans. While I love the idea of unbreakable armour, the plugin I use to do so is updated far too slowly, and is causing lag spikes. So in its place, I've given all Veterans a kit containing a new set of chainmail armour (/kit Veteran) that can be used anytime, and disallowed non-Veterans from using this armour. Since it's more for prestige than utility anyway, I figured this would be an appropriate compromise.
   Finally, the part I hate about running a server -- the donation issue. I wish I had the means to pay for this server myself, but sadly, I can't. Not yet, anyway. Rest assured that any and all donations go directly toward the server cost, and not to any of the admins. This means that the server speed will fluctuate with the flow of donations -- if we receive double the donations, the server will be twice as fast for a month, etc. MetalGunTalk is supplying the cost thus far, but I hate for the burden to fall entirely on him (On an entirely different note, look forward to the awesome pvp arena, fit with different classes, rewards, and tournaments that he has been designing!). That being said, I am open to suggestions for donor benefits that would be convenient and fun, but not to the point of giving donors an unfair advantage over others. I would like two lists of benefits: one set would be permanent for anyone who has donated once (such as /hat, which puts any block of your choice over your head), and one better set that you receive for the month in which you have donated.
   I'll be posting a donation link on the blog before long, but until then, my paypal email is . Your donation will be listed on the blog and you will receive the Donor title, unless of course you wish to remain anonymous. And please, don't feel pressured to donate. Know that it will always be seen as a courtesy, not any kind of "fee" for playing on the server.

Keep up the good work friends,

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friends and players,

   I am proud to announce the return of Rivalcraft in the form of Rivalcraft Reborn. I really wasn't planning on rebooting this server until I got a little more stable financially, but our good friend Metalguntalk was nice enough to sponsor the server until we can get enough donations to keep her up for good. So thanks again man. We'll be working hard to make it everything it was, and better.

   For those who never played on Rivalcraft or Alitheron (the server most players, including the admins, branched out from), we used to be faction based with pvp allowed outside of town. Now, we are returning to a more Alitheron-style format with no pvp except within pvp arenas, and no factions, at least while we are starting up. We have paved a nice, relatively flat plains with roads that I am excited to see grow into our first town. Building is encouraged within town, but being a hermit in the wilderness is acceptable as well. Whenever an admin is on, you can ask for house protection. This will completely protect everything in your home's area, from sky to bedrock, and only people you choose can touch or break anything. Our admins are Parkade, Sallevin, and myself, Piqueaboo. Feel free to ask us for help anytime you see us on.

   Another property of our server that all admins consider to be of the upmost importance is that virtually everything on the server is constructed manually, and the resources gathered the same. We never hand out materials or tools, and don't even spawn items for ourselves with the exception of tools for protecting and taking care of griefers. We love playing the game as much as running a server, and don't want anyone to feel that others are at an advantage. One small exception will be that all players who used to play on Rivalcraft will be given a couple goodies when they first join, as well as the title [Veteran] before their name in chat.

I'll be posting more as the server grows and issues need to be addressed. We missed all of you, and can't wait to Minecraft together again. :)

Rivalcraft Reborn is now online:

Happy mining,